Is your church over or under exposed?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
3:23 PM

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
3:23 PM
During my travels serving churches, I’ve noticed that very few churches have a balanced response to what is a core facet of a healthy church: exposure. Exposure is critical to understanding who you are as a church and finding your way. And while I know that there are some church "hermits" out there, there are just as many church "followers" to ensure that there are large crowds on each side of “the exposure ditch...”
The Deeper Truth of Worship Style Transitions

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
1:40 PM

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
1:40 PM
We often run into a church that is in transition, looking for decisiveness on tender topics... "Should we have multiple worship styles?" "Do we go more acoustic?" "More Hillsong?" "What about the hymns?" "Why are we not attracting certain groups of people?"
These are the issues I tend to love the most...